Friday, September 19, 2014

Parents Association Dues

For the last few years, the Department of Education has been drastically cutting funds to schools.  Our school has been adversely affected by these cuts in the last two years.  While our budget remains the same, the cost of everything has gone up.

Last year, we collected approximately $73,000 through contributions to the PA.  This money funds such things as maintenance, supplies and purchases for our computer lab, maintenance of our auditorium and extras supplies for the classrooms, such as refrigerators, air conditioners and equipment maintenance.  It also supports supplies for the main office, which ensures timely communication to our families and provides copies of handouts and homework sheets for our children.

Your participation and contributions are vital to the success of our school.  Without your support, we will not be able to continue providing these benefits for our children.  We are asking each family to contribute a minimum of $50.00 per child.  The suggested contribution is $75.00 per child.  If you can afford to contribute more, it would be greatly appreciated!  Remember, these contributions are 100% tax-deductible.

Please send your contributions in the envelopes provided with the PA dues letter that were backpacked home Friday.  Kindly have your children submit it to their teachers, no later than Tuesday, September 23, 2014.  We want to thank you in advance for helping us help your children through your contributions!