Tuesday, October 27, 2015

PS130 PA's Annual Benefit for the Arts May 27th

Dear Parents:

We will be having our Annual Benefit for the Arts Fundraiser to raise money to support our school's music and performance arts programs on Friday, May 27th, 2016 at Jing Fong Restaurant located on 20 Elizabeth Street New York NY 10013.

The arts program enables our children to be more confident about who they are and what they can become in the future. The programs help the children develop the skills and confidence they need to pursue their dreams and it is one of the reasons our students are so successful in middle school and beyond.

Please contribute by buying an ad in our Journal, making a monetary donation or donating a prize for our Raffle and Auction at the benefit. All of this will go towards supporting our programs for our children. All donations made to our PA are tax deductible since we are a not-for-profit 501 (c) organization.

Your generosity, no matter how big or small, will make a big difference in the lives of the children in this community!
Please reserve the date for our annual fundraiser!

On behalf of all the children, we thank you in advance for supporting the vision.

If there is any questions, please feel free to come to the PA Room 101.