Monday, October 19, 2020

PS 130M Fifth Grade Families - Middle School Application Process


Hi Fifth Grade Families,

I've received a little more information regarding the middle school application process:

Deadline to apply:  To ensure families have enough time to learn about school options, this year’s application deadline will be later than the traditional early December deadline. 

Directories: This year, due to budget priorities, the middle school directory ( and admissions guide will exist exclusively in a virtual format, and will not be printed.
  • The New York City DOE knows this was a tool that families used to explore school options; however,  the MySchool Directory ( contains all the information about middle schools that was previously in printed admissions guides.  Please begin exploring options through this directory.
  • As the application opens, you may learn about the admissions process on the New York City DOE Middle School Enrollment website ( you can both read an admissions guide and watch videos explaining the admissions process.
  • Additional resources will be developed and distributed digitally, as well as through our school. 
  • Welcome letters will be mailed directly to all families later this fall; I will also be able to provide them to you.   

Open Houses and Fairs: The NYC Department of Education knows that open houses and fairs have served as a key way for families to learn about school options and the admissions process, and they are committed to continuing this tradition even while many of our families are remote. They are developing resources for middle schools to hold virtual open houses so that families can learn about school options.  

As mentioned previously, here are some resources:  

Sharon Levanoni

School Counselor

P.S. 130M, The Hernando DeSoto School

143 Baxter Street

New York, NY 10013

Telephone: 212-226-8072 x2

Fax: 212-376-4886