Friday, October 2nd, 2020
Dearest Families:
We hope everyone had a good week, and it was such a joy to see our children learning, both in-person and online this week. A big thank you to everyone for all of your help and support and for your patience and understanding as we continue to do our very best for all of our children.
For next week, we will have remote learning for all on Monday and Friday (10/5 and 10/9). Cohort "A" will come to school on Tuesday and Wednesday (10/6 and 10/7), and Cohort "B" will come to school on Thursday (10/8).
For all those students coming in, please make sure to complete health screenings before lining up for entry
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend. Please take good care, and be safe.
PS 130 Hernando De Soto (Manhattan)