Tuesday, December 8, 2020

General Meeting Minutes - November 5, 2020

                                             PS 130M - PARENTS ASSOCIATION
143 Baxter Street Room 101, New York, NY 10013
Tel: 212-226-8072
Email: ps130mpa@yahoo.com       Website: ps130pa.blogspot.com

Parents Association Board Members:           
Co-Presidents: Kaitlin Fuchs, Yanna Xu  
Co-Vice Presidents: Kathy Leung & Stephanie Lee-Wong
Co-Treasurers: Damian Driver & Gloria Tsang                                                               
Co-Secretaries: Jaimie Gautier & Angie Lin

Parents Association Events Coordinator: Lisa Wong
Parent Coordinator:  Diane Chong
Parents Association Email:                      ps130mpa@yahoo.com
Parents Association Website:                   http://ps130pa.blogspot.com

Minutes to PS 130M PA General Meeting November 5, 2020

Attendance: Mr. Fong, Kaitlin Fuchs, Yanna Xu, Robert Ng, Damian Driver, Kathy Leung, Gloria Tsang, Lisa Wong, Yvonne Moy, Stephanie Lee-Wong, Jamie Gautier, Angie Lin (additional parent members: see full list from 11/5/20)

Meeting Commence: 8:45 AM 

1.  Principal Opening Remarks:
     a.  Welcomed and Thanked parents, PA, Ms.Nicklas
     b.  Introduced and Thanked PA Co-Presidents: Kaitlin Fuchs and Yanna Xu
     c.  Introduced and Thanked Assistant Principals: Ms. Thomas and Ms. Samphaoron

2.  PA Updates by Co-President: Kaitlin Fuchs
     a.  Fill out attendance form
     b.  Reading and Approval of Minutes: from October 8, 2020
          i.  Minutes from October 8, 2020 - moved to accept minutes into record - Yanna moved to                accept.
              1.   Approved and put into record.
         ii.  Minutes from Special Election Meeting on October 19, 2020 - moved to accept minutes                - Jaimie moved to accept.
              1.  Approved and put into record. 
     c.  Complete SLT Election:
          i.  (2) Open Seats for Parents as Elected Officials:
              1.  Jennie Yin, Kathy Leung and Stephanie Wong raised hands.
                   a. Poll taken
              2.  Stephanie Wong and Kathy Leung were voted in.

3.  Treasurer’s Report- September and October 2020 (Damian and Gloria to discuss)
     a.  Note: Invoices from prior year such as photographer paid out on 9/1 were paid out this                year.
          i.  Advised by DOE - to put footnote in sheet to explain these are coming from last year's                  budget.
     b.  Questions
          i.  Charlie Zheng on Event Coordinator Insurance:
              1.  “What is EC Insurance for?”
                    a. Damian and Gloria : Clarified EC is Lisa - who assists will events in the school,                            coordinating with vendors, and assisting Parents with Middle school applications                           and things of that nature.
              2.  Are there any cheaper phone plans available? $120 seems high for one line 
                    a. Gloria - we can definitely look into it, Kaitlin - at this point we have already                                     approved it for this year's budget.

4.  Upcoming Events
     a.  Today, November 5 - Online Parent Teacher Conferences, half day for Cohort B, 11 am                dismissal
     b.  Wednesday, Nov. 11 - Veterans Day - no school for any students
     c.  Thursday & Friday, Nov 26-27 - Thanksgiving Recess, no school for any students

5.  Reminder: Many ways to support school - Annual ask letter will be going out shortly.  You             can send out what you can, but anything helps
     a. Can also support individual teachers on Donorschoose.org.
         i.  Damian - sometimes Donors Choose has a matching incentive on periodic day.
        ii.  Check with employers - sometimes they do matching grants.

6.  PrincipalRemarks:
     a.  Shows gratitude for Parents and Staff.
     b.  Shows mood meter to help himself keep centered, being beneficial to show self-                          awareness, reflection, can help control physical being.
     c.  Self are in not being selfish, you have to take care of yourself to be able to take care of                others. 
     d.  Learning the importance of communication, and being aware - so you can problem solve              together and resolve problems.
     e.  Thanks parents again for unconditional love - acknowledging the new status of all.
      f.  Thanks the PA for support - without them, we wouldn't have the Arts, which will start                    shortly in November, which provides our children with some joy.  
     g.  Chess for all 1st-5th grade, ICN made accounts for all, PS 42 will be nice rivals.
     h.  Town Hall Monday evening 6:30 pm - will answer any additional questions then. 
      i.  Learning Preference: Deadline November 15 for those who would like blended learning.
      j.  Report Cards - 1st time we don't have November report card, don’t want to over stress                everyone, still gave feedback.
          i.  Encourage parents to reach out to teachers as needed.
         ii.  Grading System: Most likely will not be doing 3-4’s May just go with Needing more                       work/Meeting Standards, hard to do assessments this year with current condition.
        iii.  Middle School/High School - no measures - no standardized test, grades, attendance                    - probably why it’s taking so long to disseminate middle school and high school                            admissions.
     k.  Parent Question: Mary: In terms of grading, is it 1 decision for the entire school?
          i.  Mr. Fong: Yes - we are trying to come to commonality with other schools, will have                        report cards in January and June this year, most likely will be meeting standards/needs                improvement.
     l.  Thanks PA, teachers, students, and Ms. Nicklas for her help and support with                               translations.

Closing Time: 9:35 am

Next General Meeting: Thursday, December 5th at 8:45 am