Thursday, February 3, 2022

PS130MPA - General Meeting Minutes - January 6, 2022

                                                  PS 130M - PARENTS ASSOCIATION

143 Baxter Street Room 101, New York, NY 10013
Tel: 212-226-8072
Email:       Website:

Parents Association Board Members:           
Co-Presidents: Kaitlin Fuchs, Damian Driver  
Co-Treasurers: Gloria Tsang, Karen Ma                                                               
Co-Secretaries: Amy Hu. Sally Chu

Parents Association Events Coordinator: Lisa Wong
Parent Coordinator:  Diane Chong
Parents Association Email:            
Parents Association Website:       

Minutes to PS 130 General Meeting
January 6, 2022

Attendance: Mr. Renny Fong, Ms. Nicklas, Kaitlin Fuchs, Damien Driver, Kathy Leung, Karen Ma, Yvonne Moy, Lisa Wong, Yanna Xu, Gloria Tsang, Sally Chu, Amy Hu, Honoria Tsang, and 7 other participants (see attendance on record)

Meeting Commence: 8:45am

Translator: Ms. Nicklas

1. PA Updates by Co-president, Kaitlin Fuchs
    a. Welcomes everyone and introduces the executive board members
    b. Sends out attendance link to attendees in group chat via zoom

2. Kaitlin – reviews upcoming events for January 2022
    a. School resumed from break – Monday - 1/3/2022
    b. Bake Sale – Wednesday – 1/12/2022
    c. Martin Luther King Jr. day – School is closed - Monday – 1/17/2022
    d. Lunar New Year – School is closed – Tuesday – 2/1/2022

3. Kaitlin shows and reviews the minutes for December 2, 2021 meeting – Minutes are placed on record.

4. Kaitlin shows and reviews the treasury report for December 2, 2021 – Treasury report is placed on record.

5. Ongoing Fundraisers – Kaitlin reviews the 3 fundraising links below:
    a. PA Blog:
    b. PA Paypal:
    c. Donors Choose:

6. Principal Remarks
    a. Mr. R. Fong thanks the PA, the staff, and the parents for being so patient during these pandemic      times. Mr. R. Fong wishes everyone a Happy New Year and wishes everyone good health and peace every day.
    b. Mr. R. Fong is thankful to hear from parents and happy to communicate with parents verses parents chatting and getting information from group chats, that’s how rumors starts and  misinformation is spread. In his 8 years as principal this is the most he’s heard from parents and  he’s grateful for that and for the clear and open communication.
    c. SLT - Two important things regarding covid and absences
        i.     Getting students fully vaccinated: no need to quarantine unless you are symptomatic.  Prevents harmful effects from Covid-19. Issue with longer quarantine time, meaning less time learning in school.
       ii.     Giving consent for in school random covid testing: If exposed at school, your child will get   homes testing kits (2 per child). Any child with consent on record has chance of being tested for covid at school.
      iii.     Absences:  If your child is absent due to quarantining for covid-19, they will be marked  absent first, but if they do work and submit it then the school can go back to change their absence code.

    d. Parent question: Does everyone get the home test kits if one tests positive in class? Answer: Only the students whose parents/guardians who consented to get randomly tested will get home test kits.  You can go to MySchools account to sign and submit the consent form, or we can give one to your child with a take home paper.

    e. Parent question: where to get the consent form for random covid-19 testing. Answer: Please email Principal at to get a paper form sent home with your child or go to my school accounts at

    f. If your child gets a test kit please use them, do not save them. If you tested positive on the home kit, please do not send your child to school while waiting for the PCR to come back; please keep your child home but use your best judgement. I know the home test kits aren’t 100% but its better to know.

    g. Mr. Fong is very thankful to the staff and for the teachers and the substitute teachers because without them we wouldn’t be able have the classrooms open for our students or we would have to combine classes. Chicago just went fully remote and it’s hard because we can see the repercussions to the students not in school. Thankful to our school nurse Elise Lai, she is the best; some schools don’t have a dedicated nurse in their school.

    h. Board Member Question: Will there be any more full classroom closures? Answer: The benefits of  being vaccinated you can “Test to Stay” so there won’t be any classroom closures unless there is huge case and deemed unsafe.

    i. Lunar New Year coming up – Lisa says tentative, the parade in Chinatown will be 2/20/22-  hopefully it won’t be cancelled.

    j. Mr. Fong thanks everyone, any questions, please ask, we are here for you.

Closing time: 9:23am

Next General Meeting: February 3, 2022 – 8:45am via zoom