Saturday, March 19, 2022

PS 130M - Virtual Family Information Session/Town Hall This Monday, 3/21/2022, at 6PM

               PS 130 Hernando De Soto (Manhattan)

Dearest Families,
We hope this message finds everyone doing as well as can be.  We are offering a Virtual Family Information Session/Town Hall this coming Monday evening at 6PM via Zoom.  (There will be Cantonese Translation)  We just wanted to provide a space for some updates and to answer any of your questions or concerns.  We apologize for the late notice, and there is nothing urgent. 
Mr. Fong wanted to wish our upper grades the very best on their ELA/Reading Tests on March 29th and 30th.  Also, a reminder to please fill out the NYCDOE School Surveys by sending them in the mail or filling them out online at, or If you have a NYC Schools Account (External Link) you can also login and take the Survey through your account without an access code.  The deadline is Friday, March 25th, 2022. 

Thank you so much, everyone!  Please take good care, and stay safe.

Here is a Zoom Link for Monday's Virtual Information Session/Town Hall at 6PM:

Meeting ID: 979 7640 1716

Passcode: 325938

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,97976401716#,,,,*325938# US (New York)

Find your local number:  Click here



PS 130 Hernando De Soto (Manhattan)