Monday, April 18, 2022

PS 130MPA - General Meeting - Thursday, May 5, 2022

                                                      PS 130M – PARENTS ASSOCIATION 
143 Baxter Street Room 101, New York, NY 10013 
Tel: 212-226-8072 
Email: Website:

Thursday, April 22, 2022 

Dear Parents and Guardians of Pre-K to 5th Graders, 

There will be a scheduled Parents’ Association General Meeting on Thursday, May 5th at 8:45 AM in the Playroom. Please note that Parents Association meetings have resumed meeting in person. Any parent or guardian who plans to attend must present proof of vaccination and a completed daily health screener. Acceptable proof of vaccine includes an actual vaccine card or Excelsior Pass. Photos of vaccine cards will not be accepted. Family members should use the “Guest Screening” link.   Click here for link on the day of the meeting.

The topics to be discussed are:

  •   Reading and Approval of April 2022 Minutes
  •   April 2022 Treasurer’s Report

  •   Upcoming Events

        o Wednesday, May 4: Bake Sale
        o Friday, May 6: Mother’s Day Sale
        o Saturday, May 7: Family Day/Health Fair
        o Monday, May 9 - Friday, May 13: Book Fair
        o Tuesday, May 17: NDI Finale (4th Grade) at 6:30 PM *in person*
        o Wednesday, May 18: NDI Finale (1st Grade) at 9:00 AM *in person*
        o Friday, May 20: Benefit Banquet
        o Thursday, May 26: Rosie’s Theater Kids Finale at 9:00 AM *in person*                                                   o Monday, May 30: Memorial Day No School                                                                                             o Wednesday, June 1: Multicultural Show at 9:00 AM *in person*

  •   Principal’s remarks/announcements/reports

  •   Any parent issues, questions or proposals 

Note: Any in-person shows are limited to two family members. Attendees must complete health screener and present valid vaccine card or Excelsior Pass. Photos of vaccine cards will not be accepted. 
143 Baxter Street Room 101, New York, NY 10013 
Tel: 212-226-8072 
Email: Website: 

April 22, 2022 

Dear Parents and Guardians of Pre-K to 5th Graders, There will be an Executive Board meeting of the Parents Association on Thursday, May 5th immediately following the General Meeting at approximately 9:30 AM. This meeting will occur in person, in the Parents Association Room 101. Individuals who are not members of the PA may only attend Executive Board Meetings with the approval of the Executive Board and they may speak if recognized by the chair. Any attending members must provide proof of vaccination and complete a daily health screener. Acceptable proof of vaccine includes an actual vaccine card or Excelsior Pass. Photos of vaccine cards will not be accepted.