Tuesday, September 13, 2022

PS130MPA - General Meeting - Thursday, June 22, 2022


143 Baxter Street Room 101, New York, NY 10013 
Tel: 212-226-8072 
Email: ps130mpa@yahoo.com Website: ps130pa.blogspot.com

Dear Parents and Guardians of Pre-K to 5 Graders,

Welcome to a new school year! We hope everyone had a wonderful summer and are excited to begin a new year at PS130. As many of you know, PS130 ranks in the top 10% of all NYC public elementary schools. With your help we can maintain this ranking for this coming year and beyond.

The Parents Association plays an important role in our school by supporting the initiatives of the Principal and administration. The PA serves as the main information center for many parents unfamiliar with the Board of Education and our school. We are responsible for the many annual fundraising events, school parties, book sales, workshops and school fairs. However, none of this would be possible without your participation.

There will be a Parents Association General Meeting for all in the auditorium on Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 8:45AM.  The topics to be discussed are:

  • Principal welcoming

  • Introduction of board members
  • Reading and Approval of Minutes
  • PA Financials: June & September 2022 Treasurer’s Report

  • Upcoming Events    
        - Cherrydale Catalog Fundraising Begins (September 23 – October 21)          

                 -   Student Photo Days (Tuesday, October 4 & Friday, October 7)                               

  • Principal's remarks/announcements

  • Any parent issues, questions or proposals

Please come to our meeting! Your participation and support play a vital role in our school.  All PS130M parents and guardians are welcome!


Thank you.

Parents Association