Thursday, June 6, 2024

PS130MPA - General Meeting Minutes - May 2, 2024

                                                                           PS 130M - PARENTS ASSOCIATION

143 Baxter Street Room 101, New York, NY 10013
Tel: 212-226-8072
Email:       Website:

Parents Association Board Members:           
Co-Presidents: Karen Ma & Joseph Li  
Vice-President: Ana Fung
Co-Treasurers: Gloria Tsang & Alice Chen                                                               
Co-Secretaries: Amy Hu & Lily Wai-Lee

Parents Association Events Coordinator: Lisa Wong
Parent Coordinator:  Diane Chong
Parents Association Email:            
Parents Association Website:        

                                                            Minutes to PS 130M General Meeting May 2, 2024 

Attendance: Mr. Fong, Lisa Wong, Yvonne Moy, Amy Hu, Joseph Li, Lily Wai Lee, Ana Fung, Alice Chen, Jennie, Carmen, Anya, Angela Mui, 8 other participants (see sign in sheet, in person)

Meeting Commence: 8:50 am 

Translator: Lily – Chinese translator

Joseph Li – Co-President 

Joe – Good morning, welcome back, wow, it’s May already. We have 2 more months of the school year left. Let’s have our May meeting. Mr. Fong will start the meeting.

Principal remarks:

Mr. Fong – Good morning, today our 5th graders are at Tweed courthouse for May’s AAPI; the chancellor will be there. Thank you to the PA, Lisa, and the 5th graders for dancing there. Thank you, parents, for all your support and donations for the arts. In 2 weeks, Rosie theater will have a performance with our kids. They had a benefit and raised over $100k; it was great to see our old kids and families there. All due to their foundation of arts from PS. 130.

A lot of events are coming up in May. Happy Mother’s Day, we appreciate all the moms right Charlie? Monday, we start entering through the front door.

My son is going to college soon and he is choosing B.U.

Elias won 4th place in Chess in the Nationals. So proud of them. Thanks to parents like Sally for bringing Chess into the school.

Thank you and let us know if you need anything.

Parents’ Association opening & Review:

Joe - Let’s get started for the May meeting. Yesterday’s Dance to Unite performance was great. 

Here are last month’s meeting minutes to be reviewed and approved. They will be posted on the PA Blog site.

Review of the minutes & Treasury reports from our last meeting in April 2023.

  1. These are the minutes for review and to be approved from our last meeting in April; 7 people approved the minutes; minutes are placed on record and will be posted on the PA blog site. Thank you!

  2. This is the treasury report for review and approval; 9 people approved the treasury report. Thank you! 

  3.  This is our fundraising meter. We were at 42% last month and now we are a little under 70% mostly due to our annual benefit sales. We still need help fundraising to reach our goals to fund all the expenses to support all our Art programs

Joe – I’m going to pass the mike to Jennie our SLT, Title I parent to run the nominations for the upcoming year PA board.

Jennie – They asked me to announce and conduct the nominees for the upcoming June PA Board elections.

I call to announce the 3 positions open for nominations.

President – 2 seats – Co-Presidents 
Treasurer - 2 seats – Co – Treasurers 
Secretary – 2 seats – Co – secretaries 

Who would like to run the for the President position? 
Kathy Leung nominates Joe for president.

Joe – I accept the nomination but my 2-year term for president is up but if no one runs for the position I will gladly stay on as president. 

Who would like to run for the treasurer position?
Ana & Amy nominate Alice for treasurer. 

Alice – I accept the nomination. 

Who would like to run for the secretary position?
Amy nominates Lily as secretary.
Ana nominates Amy as secretary.

Lily accepts the nomination. 
Amy accepts the nomination but my 2-year term for this position is up, if no one runs to be Co- secretary with Lily I will take the position. 

Thank you, the elections will take place in our next meeting in June.

1. PA Fundraising for 2023-2024
        -  Bake Sale
        -  Candy Sale
        -  Annual Ask
        -  Photo day 
        -  Scholastic Book Fair
        -  Spirit Clothes
        -  Holiday show
        -  Benefit Gala        
        -  Mother’s Day
        -  Handmade Bead Sale 
        All fundraising money goes to our kids and the art programs.

2.  Upcoming events – May 2024.

        -  Dance to Unite – Wednesday, May 1, 2024
        -  Family Health & Wellness Day - Saturday, May 4, 2024
        -  Parent Teacher Conference – remote – Thursday, May 9, 2024
        -  Mother’s Day sale – Friday, May 10, 2024
        -  Bake Sale - Wednesday, May 15, 2024
        -  Annual Benefit Banquet - Friday, May 17, 2024
        -  Book Fair – 5/20, 5/22, 5/24, 5/28, & 5/29
        -  NDI Finale – evening show - Tuesday, May 21, 2024
        -  Rosie Theater Kids finale – Thursday, May 23, 2024
        -  Memorial Day – School is closed – Monday, May 27, 2024
        -  Multicultural show Parent show – Thursday May 30, 2024 
  1. For bake sale we welcome all great bakers to donate their treats.

    For Mother’s Day sales, we have a few new items for sale and if you have any suggestions for next year’s sales that would be great.

    May 17, 2024, is our annual banquet, we have 2 more pages on our journal that needs to be filled. If you or anyone you know who would like to purchase a page for keepsake memories for your child’s class, please see Lisa.

    Book Fair is coming up and we need volunteers! 

3.  The PA Funds these Programs and more 
          Our Art Programs & est. costs (last year)
            -  NDI – 1st grade & 4th grade - $17,500.
            -  Inside Broadway – Pre-k to 2nd Grade -$18,480  
            -  Third Street Music School – Violin (beginners & Advance) - $10,880
            -  Ballroom Dancing - $9,520
            -  School Chorus – Voices of 130
            -  Spirit of PS 130 – Fife & Drum - $8,400
            -  Young People Chorus (YPC) – $8,650
            -  PS. 130 Lion Dance - $3,900
            -  Rosie’s Theater Kids - $8,650
            -  Dance to Unite - $7500 
         The PA also pays for some of the school supplies such as:
            -  Air conditioners and repairs - $11,000
            -  Office copier, toners, computers, and supplies - $12,000
            -  Student appreciation events - $12,000 (we currently have 580 students)
  • Thank you everyone, elections will be held at our next meeting in June. 

Angela Mui – Self nominates to be treasurer. 

Any questions? 

You can stop by the PA anytime you have an idea or any questions or concerns. 

Thank you, we will see you all at next month’s meeting. 
Closing time – 9:15am – next general meeting will be June 5, 2024.