Monday, October 14, 2024

PS 130MPA - General Meeting Minutes - September 26, 2024

                                               PS 130M - PARENTS ASSOCIATION

143 Baxter Street Room 101, New York, NY 10013
Tel: 212-226-8072
Email:       Website:

Parents Association Board Members:           
Co-Presidents:  Joseph Li  
Vice-President: Kai Mei Chan & Ramiro Corbetta
Co-Treasurers: Alice Chen & Angela Mui                                                              
Co-Secretaries: Amy Hu & Lily Wai-Lee

Parents Association Events Coordinator: Lisa Wong
Parent Coordinator:  
Parents Association Email:    
Parents Association Website:  

Minutes to PS 130M General Meeting September 26, 2024

Attendance: Lisa Wong, Yvonne Moy, Amy Hu, Joseph Li, Lily Wai Lee, Ana Fung, Alice Chen, Jennie Yin, Angela, Sally, Michelle, Mr. Fong and 35 other participants (see sign in sheet, in person)

Meeting Commence: 8:47am
Translator: Lily – Chinese translator & Ana – Spanish Translator

Joseph Li – Co-President

    Joe – Good morning, everyone! Welcome back to school. Welcome new families with PreK & Kindergarten parents. Thank you for        attending our first parents’ association meeting of the    year. I hope everyone had a great summer.

    On the agenda today we will have a special election for the remaining open positions for the parents’ association board.

    Before we start that here is our principal Mr. Fong.

Mr. Fong – 

    Good morning, everyone, I am Mr. Fong the principal, I’ve been working at PS. 130 for 28  years now, Principal for over 10 years.

    Let me introduce the Parents’ association board members for this school year.

    President – we have Joseph Li

    Co-secretaries – we have Amy Hu & Lily Wai Lee

    Treasurer – we have Alice Chen

    The brains and heart of the parents’ association we have our events coordinators Lisa Wong & Yvonne Moy.

    We lost Title I this year, we lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Let’s try to regain Title I by completing all the lunch forms/surveys.

    We also cannot leave out my right hand, Ms. Thomas our Vice Principal. 

Joe – 

    We have 3 positions open for the parents’ association board.
    We have a Co-president, Vice president, and Co-Treasurer positions open.

    The Co-President – They will be my supporting partner. They will assist me with the slide shows/ general meetings. We also support          the parents’ association as needed for all events.

    The Vice President position supports the Co-presidents morally and as needed for all events for the parents’ association.

    The Co-Treasury – will help with financials and fundraising and support the parent’s association as needed for all events.

    We all do our share of fundraising to help support all the art programs and the needs of the school. Would anyone be willing to              help and step-up for my kids, your kids, for all the kids at this school. If you have time, please come in to help us support your                  children.  We all do this as unpaid volunteers, it’s a lot of work but we do it so that our children can have the tools to soar.

Jennie – Nominations, self - nominations and voting can take place next meeting. Please go to the PA blog site to read up on more of what these positions entail. 

Parents’ Association opening & Review

These are the ongoing fundraising throughout the school year.

1. PA Fundraising for 2024-2025

    All fundraising
        Bake Sale
        - Candy Sale     
        - Annual Ask
         - Photo day
        - Scholastic Book Fair 
        - Spirit Clothes
        - Holiday show
        - Benefit Gala
        - Mother’s Day Handmade Bead Sale

    money goes to our kids and the art programs. 

    If anyone has any ideas for fundraising, please come to us in the PA room; our door is always open, and everyone is welcome to          come in. 

2. The PA Funds these Programs and more

    Here are all the costs of the arts programs the PA funds, as you see all the art programs are not cheap, but we are here to help the      parents save time and money while giving our kids a wide chance to figure out what they like and are interested in. All our                    fundraising efforts go back to the school.

    Our Art Programs & est. costs (last year)
        -  NDI – 1st grade & 4th grade - $17,500. ($10k grant/ $7.5k PA)
        -  Inside Broadway – Pre-k / K/ 2nd Grade -$15,120
        -  Third Street Music School – Violin (3rd grade & Advance) - $11,060 
        -  Ballroom Dancing - $9,520 
        -  School Chorus – Voices of 130
        -  Spirit of PS 130 – Fife & Drum - $8,325
        -  Young People Chorus (YPC) – $9,080
        -  PS. 130 Lion Dance - $4050
        -  Rosie’s Theater Kids - $16,335 (Grant)
        -  Dance to Unite - $7500

    The PA also pays for some of the school supplies such as:
        -  Air conditioners and repairs - $11,000
        -  Office copier, toners, computers, and supplies - $12,000
        -  Student appreciation events - $12,000 (we currently have 560 students) 

3. Upcoming events – October 2024.
        -  Bake Sale - Wednesday, October 9, 2024
        -  Cherry dale catalog fundraising – September 18 to October 14, 2024
        -  School Photo Day – October 15 &16, 2024
        -  Book Fair – October 24th to 30th, 2024 (we need volunteers for this event) 

Here are the June, 2024 meeting minutes to be reviewed and approved. They will be posted on the PA Blog site.

I. These are the minutes for review and to be approved from our last meeting in June; 14 people approved the minutes; minutes are placed on record. Thank you!

II. This is the treasury report for review and approval; 11 people approved the treasury report. The Treasury report are placed on record. Thank you!

Last year we reached about 85% of our goals with our fundraising efforts. Be your kid’s steppingstone; this year I’m hoping we reach over 100% of our fundraising goals.

Look at Mr. Fong Dancing at our Annual Benefit in May, this is our biggest fundraising event. It’s a really fun events which showcases all the art programs that we work so hard fundraising for.

Thank you! You can always come by the PA room 101 to chat with us with any ideas, suggestions, or issues; our door is always open. You can also reach us by emailing us at or by phone – 212-226- 8072 ext 101 or reach Lisa at 917-821-7056 or visit our blog site at for more information.

Jennie – All the art programs are really great; I have two kids and they benefit so much from these programs. These programs mean         a lot to families. They exceed beyond just in school. These programs can offer outside programs such as thirds street music, my               child learned to play the guitar, and they offer 1 year free lessons over the weekend. 

Joe – we put ourselves out there so they can experience all these and more, not just on school grounds. Some of these programs can       lead to long term benefits. There is an alumni name Grace from PS.130 who is now a TVB star thanks to our art programs.

Parent – my child is a 5th grader, and they have benefited from NDI. They are now receiving outside training.

Mr. Fong – 

    I have an 18 & 8 year old and I always hold on to this emotion meter; yellow, blue, red, green. Yellow is happy, Blue is feeling down,      red is angry, green is calm. My two boys also experience art programs at their school but nothing like what we have at PS. 130. All        these art programs can bring these kids to green, calm.

    I can’t believe how fast they grow up, at dinner now we always try to talk together, share our day and our thoughts.

    These art programs can help build confidence. As an Asian boy growing up, we didn’t talk about our feelings and we wanted to,        we just didn’t know how to or had the space to. My kid still talks about NDI.

    We are slowly updating our website. The PA helped fund our Operroo this year, which is our main source of communication; I’m            also testing and using the DOE communication system as well.

    With the help of the PA & parent support it helps pays for all the DOE budget doesn’t allow us to.

    Next week will be a short week, there is only 3 days of school. Thank you for your children, they are awesome!

Lily – it may seem very daunting, but we, the PA really need your help and man power; anytime you have whether an hour or even          30 minutes for preparations for an event or the event its self; it helps. You will also see how much work and what goes into all the            things the school does for your child. Please come into the PA to see if you could be of any help; our door is always open!

Any questions?

The school calendar is on the DOE website. 

Thank you,

Closing time – 9:25am 
