Minutes to PS 130M General Meeting November 7, 2024
Attendance: Lisa Wong, Yvonne Moy, Amy Hu, Joseph Li, Ana Fung, Kai Mei, Jennie Yin, Angela Mui, Aya, Ramiro, Michelle, Mr. Fong and 20 other participants (see sign in sheet, in person)
Meeting Commence: 8:50am Translator: Karen – Chinese translator
Joseph Li – Co-President
Joe – Welcome to our third meeting, it’s gobble, gobble month. How’s everyone’s Halloween? If you have to much candy, give it to me.
Mr. Fong – Thanksgiving is coming up. Thank you, parents, for all your support to the school and the PA. We are going through a lot with our new curriculum with wit & wisdom through the district. All our teachers are going through this with all of district 2. The middle school process is under way. Thank you, Ms. Levanoni, for helping the 5th grade families. We are still collecting lunch forms. We are at 90% so we have a few families left; to see if we still qualify for Title I.
Parent – Last year, how many forms did we get back.
Mr. Fong – We only had 4 to 5 families that did not return the lunch forms.
Joe – Here we have a special guest from New York Life Insurance with Jasmine and Juan Ling Chan “Jenny”.
Jasmine, from NY Life Insurance – We are here to help teach you about financial literacy. We offer Life Insurance, Annuities (to help you grow your money faster), Long term care, Disability insurance. We are located on Canal Street so it’s easy to find us to help you reach your financial goals. If you have lazy money laying around, come in and we can help you make that money grow. Most people think life insurance is so expensive but its not. It’s never too young to start life insurance to fill and reach your financial goals. Jenny is here to help in the back with information.
- upcoming events
Parents’ Association opening & Review.
Here are last month’s meeting minutes to be reviewed and approved. They will be posted on the PA Blog site.
These are the minutes for review and to be approved from our last meeting in October; 3 people approved the minutes; minutes are placed on record. Thank you!
This is the treasury report for review and approval; 6 people approved the treasury report. The Treasury report is placed on record. Thank you!
Does anyone have any suggestions for fundraising?
Jennie – I emailed the PA about a readathon. I think its great because it encourages the kids to read while fundraising; I will help spear head this program if you guys need the help.
Joe – we shall review and discuss the program to see how we can execute it.
- Bake Sale - Wednesday, November 13, 2024
These are the ongoing fundraising throughout the school year.
All fundraising money goes to our kids and the art programs.
If anyone has any ideas for fundraising, please come to us in the PA room; our door is always open, and everyone is welcome to come in. If you want to learn more about the PA and the work we do and about the school, please come into the PA room.
Parent – Last year, there was a teacher fundraiser, it was very last minute.
Joe – that was a special thing that the teachers decided to do to help support the PA.
Parent – maybe parents can help and do the same by volunteering their time and creative skills with a workshop.
Joe – we can see how that will works, one year the kids won a lunch date with the principal. The students can buy raffles, we can bring it up to the teachers.
Parent – Candy sales – maybe after school we can add erasers, pens, hair clips to sell.
Lisa – the teachers have a lot of those items from donors so it might cause some conflicts with the donors.
Yvonne – we only accept PayPal.
3. The PA Funds these Programs and more
Here are all the costs of the arts programs the PA funds, as you see all the art programs are not cheap. All our fundraising efforts go back to the school.
- NDI – 1st grade & 4th grade - $17,500. ($10k grant/ $7.5k PA)
Joe – the costs of these programs are over $100k and we also help with the A/C, copiers and ink toners to help and support the school.
Joe explains all the Art programs we provide. I will try to take more pictures of our events so that I can post them on the slide show.
Ballroom dancing – so elegant
Fife & Drum – Mr. & Mrs. Smith, they are retired but they love it so much that they still come back to teach.
Lion Dance – introducing a cultural program for the 5th graders to learn and to develop the skill to hold 20lb lion head.
YPC – Singing, this is where they find talent and they get picked for solos.
All these art programs will be show cased at the event of the year, our annual banquet and all the school shows you will see throughout the school year. You will see why we work so hard to fundraise to bring all these wonderful programs to the children at PS. 130M. Our annual banquet this year will be on May 16, 2025. Please save the date for this fun event. We are also looking for raffle prize donations. If you guys have any gifts that you don’t want at home, we would gladly take them for raffle prizes. Notices will go out once banquets tickets are for sale, so stay tuned.
Also, the copier, toner, Acs, and staff & student appreciation is funded by the PA.
We have 580 students this year and we are trying to reach our goal of $300k.
Thank you! You can always come by the PA room 101 to chat with us, come to with any ideas, suggestions, or issues; our door is always open. You can also reach us by emailing us at or by phone – 212-226-8072 ext 101 or reach Lisa at 917-821-7056 or visit our blog site at for more information.
NY Life representative comes on stage to speak Mandarin – She’s repeating what Jasmine and Jenny were saying earlier in the program.
Joe – Any questions?
Parent – Suggests we have more banquets.
Joe – if we only had more time and manpower.
Parent – the goal is $300k; did we meet the goal last year?
Joe – we did not meet our goal last year; it was easier when we had more students. At one point we had around 1200 students. Even though we are getting less funding and student enrollment we didn’t want to cut any art programs; good thing we have some reserve we can rollover if we need to.
It’s hard-to-get parents to engage in meetings to understand all that we do and what all the PA fundraising does and how it goes towards the kids and the school.
Parent – social media – it’s something more radical than bake sales. We could possibly get more funding through social media accounts.
Parent – How about starting and IG account? Instagram. It can help the PA and a parent can help with it. Have a bar code, QR code up to collect funds. It can also help increase the student body.
Joe – we need help with PR. If you have the time to come help.
Ramiro – help with social media, you have to keep it going and that’s the hard part. We need someone who is committed to help run it. It’s time consuming.
Joe – Are there parents who can help with social media?
Yvonne – we can set up a group meeting to discuss all this to help fundraise.
Thank you everyone!
Closing time – 9:25am