Wednesday, May 11, 2022

PS 130MPA - General Meeting Minutes - April 7, 2022


143 Baxter Street Room 101, New York, NY 10013
Tel: 212-226-8072
Email:       Website:

Parents Association Board Members:           
Co-Presidents: Kaitlin Fuchs, Damian Driver  
Co-Treasurers: Gloria Tsang, Karen Ma                                                               
Co-Secretaries: Amy Hu. Sally Chu

Parents Association Events Coordinator: Lisa Wong
Parent Coordinator:  Diane Chong
Parents Association Email:            
Parents Association Website:       

Minutes to PS 130M General Meeting

April 7, 2022

Attendance: Mr. Renny Fong, Kaitlin Fuchs, Damian Driver, Kathy Leung, Lisa Wong, Yvonne Moy, Karen Ma, Gloria Tsang, Yanna Xu, Amy Hu, Sally Chu, and 15+ other attendees (see attendance on record)

Meeting Commence: 8:45am

Translator: Ms. Nicklas

    1.     PA updates by Co- president, Kaitlin Fuchs

    a.     Welcomes everyone and introduces the executive board members

    b.     Attendance sheets to be signed by all participants

    2.     Kaitlin – reviews upcoming event dates for April

    a.     Bake Sale – Wednesday, April 6 – (just completed)

    b.     Deadline for banquet journal ads – Friday, April 8

    c.     Deadline for RSVP benefit banquet – Tuesday, April 12

    d.     Spring Break – Friday, April 15 – Friday, April 22

    e.     Math State Test – Tuesday, April 26 – Wednesday, April 27

    f.        Bake Sale – Wednesday, May 4

    g.     Mother’s Day Sale – Friday, May 6. Will send flyer home asking to send $10 with child to buy

    h.    Family Day/ Health Fair – Saturday, May 7. Will have event for                    community. Closed all Hester St. Gifts and prizes for kids.

    i.       Benefit Banquet – Friday, May 20. Most important benefit of year. Will be held at House of Joy.

    3.      Review March 3, 2022 Minutes – Does not need to be voted in.  Approved      and placed on record

    4.     Review of March 2022 Treasury Report – approved and placed on record.     We received all the vaccine incentives. Report will also be posted on PA        Blog.

    5.     Annual Benefit Banquet on May 20th. Largest benefit of the year. Four             ways to help. 1) Buy ticket   2) Donate for prizes or gift cards  3) Purchase raffle tickets. Will be outside selling tickets.  4) Make tax deductible donation. All to help fund arts program. This year banquet hall is smaller.  Purchase tickets ASAP to secure seat. We tried to have all kids to perform at the benefit. Reminder to buy is April 12th. Reach out to Lisa if missing paper.

    6.      Ongoing fundraisers – Kaitlin goes over 3 links for donations

     a.     PA Blog:

     b.     PA Paypal:

7.   Principal’s Remarks

     a.     Mr. R. Fong – National Assistant Principal Week. A hand to Ms.                     Thomas and Ms. Samphaoron. I couldn’t do it without them.

     b.    Thanks the PA for their support. All the arts programs are strong and            doing a lot of fundraising.

    c.   Thanks the parents. We haven’t had this many parents in the school in two years. Thank families for their continuing support.

    d.   Today I am more dressed up. Tonight I am elected the President of the      Asian American Association of CSA. Lion dance alumni volunteer to          perform tonight. Grateful to PA and Lisa who’s very supportive. Have          picked House of Joy for venue to support local business.

    e.   We have Asia American Federation for anti-violence to teach self -            defense. Sad we have to go through this but great and important to          know. Don’t need to attend all to be at third meeting. Can see                  previous recordings. We see elders learning self-defense on zoom. Sad to see but great they are learning self-defense.

    f.      Covid update

    i.     There is a slight uptick since winter break. Over 90% still wear masks. Pretty contagious. Siblings even vaccinated still catching from each other. Giving out test kits to those test positive. Hope to get rid of it soon. Once we think it’s over then there’s an uptick.

    ii.       I’m over 50 and just got my 4th shot. Can go to school the next day.

    g.     ELA went as good as can be. Students tried their best. Even hard for        adults. Doesn’t matter or affect much on students of the test results. It  reflects on the school but let me worry about that. Lucky none cried or rip up tests like other schools. Two students tested till 2:30pm. Ate lunch and continued. Two more days for math test after spring break. Science in June for 4th graders.

    h.    School survey due next Friday. Need to do one for each child. Will              send reminder through Operoo.

    i.       There’s a shelter on Grand & Bowery. A lot of noise is happening.                Good to participate and voicing out.

    j.       May / June will invite parents back in for shows. NDI is at night                      performance. Will need to be vaccinated in order to perform.

    k.     Some asked about Summer Rising. PS130 is one of the hosting schools. 6-8 schools in whole district 2 hosting. 200-250 spots online application.  First come first serve. Will announce when it is coming out. Through DOE site. Still planning. In this area PS2 and PS130. Many other schools doing construction so they are not open. PS11, PS40, PS111 are designated to come to this school. Like last year Monday to Thursday 8am-12pm with teachers. Afternoon will be CPC and Fridays CPC. Last week of Summer Rising all CPC. 

8.      Kaitlin on elections. Expedited elections in June. Will make announcement 10 days prior.

     Any questions?

     Nice to see so many faces today. Thank the PA to help and have in  person. Thank everyone. 

Closing time: 9:21am

Next General Meeting: May 5, 2022